Monday, March 27, 2006

No more!!

Wah Sian!! What a start into my magnificant term 2!!

Morning started with some rain which invaded my shoe at once. All defence of my shoe is down and out. Anything can just go into it right now. That's just the start to that very day. Second thing is maths lor. Kao!! Just pass with a low score of 50, barely losing to GK-wei by 3 points. Joan like very happy for him like that.. haha.. But my initial aim of at least an C for maths have been 'happyly' shattered into pieces. Then at once heard that someone got 95 for the very same test. Then really 'what a day' le. My entire day was spolit again.. Haiz.. The heavens also seem to be sympathetic with me, lol, continue to rain somemore before i can go home at around 3 like that..

But later i regain some mood into myself. Hockey training quite okay only the coach got new strategy to make us play hockey only. Then my team advanced by playing 3 games and winning 2 of it by 1-0 and draw 1 of it. That is the time when some life was finally injected into me. Haha.

K la.. My strategy for concentrating on econs seem to be failing with an opporunity cost of bad results at maths. I've learn from my mistake le. Must balance timing for all 3 subjects or one is going to do better due to the expense of others. Okay le. Must not make same mistake in accidentally letting GK-wei overtaking me le. Haiz..

PS - Ric ah.. Don't sad sad.. You are not only the one having a 'what a day'. Me too lor. But as chang-jin from the 'da-chang-jin' show states 'I want to grow ***(some plant that i forgot what is it liao but it is really difficult to grow and no one has done it b4) because it is difficult.' Then she turn and draw an encouraging smile. We really must start to show signs of perservence liao. GoGoGO!!

Posted by saberX @ 10:29 PM


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