Monday, June 19, 2006

This week on your truely.

Another week has passed, another week closer to our final destination. It has been a wonder to me that i am still not studying hard enough.(haha). Perhaps it is due to the busy schdule that i have been following this week.

Monday - Free so nothing much to say.
Tuesday - Floorball annual week so said before already, try searching for it.
Wednesday - Also free so nothing to say

Thursday - Class Outing.
Ahah. This class outing has evolved into a group outing. More specifically my group outing plus 3 girls from our previous class. 2 people were sick(lol. like reporting news like that) namely alaric and cherie. Hopefully they recover soon. It wasn't before long that i invented another receipe for myself and try it. Grr!! At this very same time kinda trick by serena photo similarity trick. Wah biang. I never going to open anything she sends every again. Super scarey.haha. Back to the subject. Next time you all go to marina and eat. Try digging out the crab meat and BBQing it. It takes an awfully long time to get the flesh out. However, once it is cooked together with lime or egg(depending on ur perference), it is really good. It is perfectly safe as nothing has happened to me for the last 4 days and running. Actually got more thing happened along the way but i not hardworking enough to type ever thing out. Use your imagination la.

Friday - Group outing.
I think i failed to mention about my group around this blog. Hmm. Okay. My group call ourselves the siaos. I think this is due to the fact they we are a great noise pollution to the general public. We believe in the motto whole-heartedly which is 'Since we dunno them and they dunno us. So.. WHO CARES??' We have been following this motto for 6 years and running and nothing really happen to us so(haha) just continue using it la. K la. Sheng wanted to get a bag at queensway. I am still wondering why. There are only 2 shops there selling bags. Sheng found a shayer bag which to my opinion a little to ordinary and Yokie aka Mao Ge(Hairy Bro) aka Han Mo(sweat demon) found a bag which i feel has a touch of primary school taste in it. In the end they didn't buy anything and proceeded to Bugis for some miscellanous stuff. Creating even more noise to the public, we moved on to dinner quickly dismissing the idea of going to marina and eating again. Aiya. I rememeber again. I dunno how to take photos anymore. I had train to take the si ren lian(dead people faces) for 4 years and i cannot change it back. People out there help me a little. When i smile, try telling my faults and i will surely to correct it. If you lie, i will personally kill you.(haha)

Saturday - Class CIP
Wah lan. Great day but not the whole class came to the CIP. I dunno if purposely one or not but never mind la. Special thanks to Jo'an who trained me a little in smiling. Nothing much to say except we wasted time and failed to explore the bukit gobak hill that is beside us. It was damn nice la.

Sunday - CCA(floorball) CIP
Same place same time same venue and same CIP. LOL. I am bored to death. With one day experience, i bring along Boon wee and Kel to the shotputt station which ended in an hour short. Spotted a few familiar faces and say hi. Soon after, we abandon(please don't let SHE know.. haha.. aiya. we also do finish our part liao what.. scared what..) our CIP and explore the trail beside us. No words can depick how the place look. Even magnificant seems too mild a word. Leaving the Gulin we vantured into the unknowns. It is really the unknowns because knowing there is a path right in fornt of us, we didn't take it but instead took some werid path to dunno where. Luckly nothing happen to us. The view at the top is really _____(ask some GP teacher to put in the word for most beautiful.) For some reason we find ourselves at the other side which has lots of semi-detacted houses and lots of huge dogs. Haha. After finding serveral alternative routes back. We conclude that there isn't one and took the same route back. By the time we are back, it is almost lucky draw time. Worse thing is that we didn't fill in anything about the draw. *bleah* means we are automatically out. Congrast to CiHui who won a air purifier(next time can bring to training and purify the k lame.) and Gary who won a freaking 14 inch TV(super lucky man.. okay.. hard to deny that i am not jealous.. i mean.. who won't?.. haha). Everyone of us got a free radio from the CIP. Whoo-HOo!! Best CIP man. Do something for 6 hours and get some cool prices. Thanks Akira(company). Later is back home and zz.

See this week log? How to study? Think i bluff you one ah GK-Wei.. Haha.. One week more to the block test. Best of luck to everyone including myself. If you don't want this luck please kindly return to me via SMS, e-mail.. k la k la. i will stop being lame le.

Shoo!! GO STUDY!!

Posted by saberX @ 8:51 AM


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