Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy all the days~~~

Okay. Many things does happens when you are unemployed. Firstly, I am starting to feel that there is a link between 'unemployed' and 'spending money'. I noticed that when i am umemployed i spend more money. Idoit. I must find a job soon. Those people out there that still owes me money you jolly well return it to me. Haha. I'm not kidding by the well.

Ya, i know it is like over liao. But must still wish this to everyone. Are you happy not? Hmm. This year was kinda different. I spend the time with my friends. Thanks for the gifts hor. Weird thing was i had to spend time consouling another friend at night. Haha. I still remember i was plagued by stomach ache that totally affected my mood altogether. Well. Basically, that's it.

Then the next day someone invited me for a streamboat reunion. It was *arrgggh*!!! Why you so spolit the mood. It was a bit difficult for me to like lighten the mood. Aiyo! This day also got somebody bad mood. Haha. Wah lao. Why is this happening to me? Haha

Finally the new year eve's eve. We went marcus house to play mahjong. In the end only got like so less people come. Haha. Why everytime like that one? Haiz~~ Maybe i planning no good one. Haha. Mahjong was okay except for people that keep looking at the TV and slowed down the game like Siaoooooooo. Aiyo. This is incredible man.

YES! I got nothing to type le.

Oops. There still is..


Posted by saberX @ 11:39 AM


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