Saturday, April 07, 2007


Being happy is one of the best emotions humans will experience. It is normally associated with a smile or laughter that comes along with it. In simpler terms, it is an emotional state whereby people have a optmisitic view of whatever in that context.

There are several reasons why people are happy. One of which is money. Sure, in the modern context, money can indeed buy alot of stuff. In this case, the material aspect of life is fulfilled. Money can indeed let our five senses be satisfied. However, what is the extend of money in 'buying' happyness?

There are somethings that money cannot buy. These are called the non-material aspect of life. It may come in the form of clean air and so on. However, there are deeper examples.

I shall leave this open ended. What do you think money cannot buy? After understanding this, why do you think money is the root of all evil? So what will you hold more dearly now?

2 days before temporary shut down.

Posted by saberX @ 9:40 AM


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