Monday, May 14, 2012
How differences may seem fair when they are not
We live in a world where going out with girls labels oneself as a flirt while going out with guys labels oneself as gay (this is taken in point of view of a guy). This is just another example of how we can never satisfy everyone else out there completely and there will always be a negativity in the midst of positiveness.
An incident today which a Ferrari crash into a Taxi with 4 passengers set out a roar of displeasure in the net. Everyone immediately labelled the Ferrari owner to be at fault on the pre-text of being rich, impatient and reckless. They demanded compensation to the taxi driver with the 4 passengers as well. This is just another brilliant case of availability heuristic. I would agree that there is a certain portion of people driving Ferrari are reckless but then we are overgeneralizing this to say all people driving Ferrari behave in that particular way. We have to return to the base rate of things to see whether the accidents by Taxi is greater than Ferrari. In addition, because we give such high psychological weight-age to rare occurance such as this, the label for the Ferrari driver is further intensified to be extremely reckless by ordinary people.
Irrational as one may be, we will always fall into such trap when we are not aware of such heuristics. We have moved on far in the technological realm but we have not matured in our rational abilities for centuries. If education can only lend us to be more proficient in the technological aspect, what can we do to improve and understand our own behavior?
Posted by saberX @ 12:32 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Anyway, i was surfing the next when i saw, or rather, read, something very interesting.
This’s a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn’t do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody have done.
I hope Everybody will learn from this story..
Posted by saberX @ 8:12 PM
A rude awakening
Another year have past and it would be nice to appear wiser. However, does knowing more quotes about life or having the ability to explain our little irrationality of life makes us wiser? What does the word wise hold? Can we really comprehend the true form of wise? Is it with us all this while or is it waiting to be uncovered?
No matter what kind of questions is given, an answer will always follow. Sometimes a good 'i don't know' is the best answer to life's more perplexing problems. Yet, this is not just a matter of getting the answer. It's all about accepting the answers. However, such acceptance will eventually leads us into more acceptance and a complete subjugation to our lives. For when is it a balanced way to accept or to rebel? All this leads to satisfaction. I remember reading somewhere.
"Perfection is hard but satisfaction is harder"
When will we be ever satisfied? If being happy makes you satisfied, how long can you last before seeking more happiness? Is human greed really part of us and crafted into our essence of soul. Without being satisfied, when will it possible for us to show real gratitude to the things around us? The pure existence of nothing may be the answer to this. When we compare nothing to something, people logically choose something to nothing. Yet, there are some in this world who will prefer nothing to something. This might seem irrational but a simple logic of loss aversion fully explains this. After owning something, it becomes a reference point for you to compare with. Losing it will invokes a strong feeling of us as we overweight the feeling of lost more than the feeling of gain. The relative standing matters as well. If there was someone who owns something that is more valuable to the something you have, you might feel envy towards the person. This envy will create some form of dissatisfaction. In that case, will we ever choose nothing over something?
Hope carries a strong feeling and is a blinding light that makes us reach out to it. Hope is pretty much self generated. If you don't feel the beacon of light shining on yourself, you will always be in darkness. Even if friends were to shine the light at you, without opening your eyes, you will not have directions. There is a limit what external influences can do to you. Without a strong internal conviction, the world can be dark even though there might be a thousand suns.
Simple words like satisfaction, hope and acceptance gives weak explanation to our lives. It is within simplicity, there exist complexity that makes life so perplexing. When will one be truly happy? Will we ever be truly happy? If simplicity can't solve the world complex problems, then what can?
Posted by saberX @ 8:12 PM
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
As i'm typing this, i don't remember what my resolution for last year was about.
All i know, is don't look back.
Don't regret.
This year is another new year.
Fight for the things you want.
Aim for the goals you want to reach.
It's okay if you fail, but it's not if you don't try.
1) First Class Honours
2) Maintain physical fitness level
3) Be stronger mental and emotionally
4) Regain my musical talents
That's it i guess..
Posted by saberX @ 12:51 AM
Thursday, December 31, 2009
To do or not to do~~~
If it is important enough to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse.
Posted by saberX @ 1:38 AM