Sunday, April 02, 2006
A wasted yet meaningful day..
Basically the story starts by swimming in the YSC there. Finally, Han-mo aka sweat demon or more commonly known as yoke yong went to swim with us after 5 months of separation. Haha. Our frequency is the same as ever. He don't really understand us nor we understand him any better. The talking seem very weird at times. I mean ALL the time. But we got use to it.
Then go eat the mutabuk(i think correct spelling la). For people that dunno right, mutabuk is roti prata inside put meat(chicken/mutton/beef) together with onions and egg and cheese. The taste is still as wonderful as ever la. After that we went for a walk. I mean a LONG walk...
Starting Time - 3 pm..
Behind our mutabak there is the lower pierce resevior. Coz like very long never go adventure liao ma. So we pick up our pieces and went for a walk. That place generally very quiet and peaceful. The trees were surrounding us encaging us with their branches. When we were in the middle of the trail.
lol.. got no where to hide la. It sounds like huge rain but i think the leaves really sheltered us very well. We didn't really get very wet and we just pressed on. The place rather big and we keep choosing places that we never go before in hope of getting lost. Then this time we are in the open liao. Guess what..
Wah.. then we handed to the nearest shelter and talk cock for dunno how long la. Time is passing like dunno what like that. 5 pm liao.. Haha.. Then we finally find ourselves at upper thomsom there. That's when we keep walking and walking and walking. To keep things simple, we walk from upper thomsom to sin ming road to bishan then to ang mo kio. Wah kao.. Not easy lor. By the time we reach AMK is like 8.30 like that lor. NOTE IT IS 8.30 LE!! Then we just settle dinner there.
After that.. We walk again.. LOL.. not rain anymore. Just only walk from AMK to Khatib. Very damn long trip. Don't even know how far we walk and stuff le. We just keep scaring ourselves with some stuff and just talk cock to kill time. kk.. now at home le. guess what time?
ZZZ.. what a wasted day. Whole day do nothing le. No econs(only see econs minimart) no maths no physics and no GP. Just wasting time. But other than that, i think it is rather another good time to bond with friends. But i also pon-ed alumni band practice.. Sorry.. I was too far away.. Haha.. Next time bah..
Posted by saberX @ 12:46 AM
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