Sunday, August 06, 2006
Basically the world now revours around book and food now. I can almost be sure with 1% significance that it would be a poisson for anyone in YJ to not study now. The days that went pass without floorball is really a bore. Morning test then go for leature and tutorial. Lunch use 3C1 for malay stall, noodles stall and western stall. But P(eating fruits every day)= 1 for me now. WAH PIANG!! You know the farmers in the argicutural countries all very smart de!!
You see?? They purposely burn their durians trees to restrict the supply of durians. From the diagram, supply falls from SS to SS2. As a result, price of durians increased from Pe to Pe2. Quantity demanded also fall from Qe to Qe2. This is assuming that durians is an elastic good. However, to me it is not a elastic good!! In fact it is an inelastic one. The price of durians acutally DOUBLED LE!! This means my total expenditure will surely increased more than proportionally. It will then affect my balance of payment causing it to go into a deficit. Not to mention the damage done to the environment by their selfish acts.
I propose the government should set a price floor for durians so that the producers will be happy and not resort to burning those trees. Although it may come as a higher burden to the consumers but it is better then getting low quality durians at high prices.
TIP - Those that are in love with durians are encouraged to buy the durians only next month as i heard that the price of durians will certainly drop. Therefore, consumption will increased in the next month which directly contributes to the aggregate expenditure for the 3rd quanter. Through the mulitpler process, National Income will then increased by a mutiple amount of time. Since there are unemployed workers in the Singapore economy, it would then lead to a real economic growth giving positive externalities to those that don't like durians.
Haha. Blogging still can study at the same time. But die le la. Tomorrow physics test i only revised economics and maths on top only. Aiya. I go study le la. I update le hor!!
Posted by saberX @ 9:14 PM
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