Sunday, January 07, 2007

Pushing the limits

I never cropped everything up in one day before. The result was becoming extremely tired now.

It all started on saturday. I had to wake up at 4 so as to prepare myself for work. That day started very slow. For a hour or so, there wasn't anything to do. There was talks of the company going to shut down for the day. This means that there won' be any pay for that day. During this period, I believed I have fall asleep standing up because i can't remember some loud noise that my partners keep saying. Later, I made friends with the one beside me. Her history abit like XueJing de. That day was her second last day. She's going to ACJC for her first 3 month. She is damn smart. Haha. After the memorable teabreak, I was transfered to line 2 to do the work of 2 person. I can't remember myself resting at all. I even did this limited edition motorola pink phone. The result was transforming me into a tired and drained person.

12 hours have already passed liao. Upon talking, we stopped at Khatib to buy a pair of filp flops before going to KarWei house for a renuion. Surprising there wasn't much people. Even HuiTing went! OMG! She went Spain le!! Even though I keep appearing to eat, I only touch 3 chicken wings, 1 sausage, 2 satay, 5 marshmellow, 1 stingray and 1 plate of beehoon. 7 Bucks! Okay la. But because my paycheck haven take yet so abit ex. Haiz. Last time to see Jerry and WeiJun with the hair on.

By the time that ended it was already 10.45PM. I made my way to Paris Ris for a chalet. The main event was to night cycle. The net was 14bucks to do everything there. Night Cycle was boring. Like play playground then go around tampines. Abit sian la. Maybe I tired or what. I keep sleeping at every opportunity. A few mintues here and there also song la. By the time everything ended it was like 9+. After eating breakfast, I couldn't take it le. I slept like nothing before. Haha. Until like 12 ah, they asked me go home liao. In total hor, I think I was awake for like 30 hours. Tian Ah. Note ah. Now sunday liao.

Later I head towards Bugis to meet Winston, Champ and CL. Dunno walk what shit la. Do those teenager stuff, eat some teenager stuff and be a teenager only. Haha. Nothing eventful also. Finally I can come home liao. At 6. Haiz. Damn long. SO that's it.

Posted by saberX @ 8:54 PM


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