Saturday, July 07, 2007
Army (III Edition - Shooting)
Well, this is pretty much self explainable. However, in army, we learn that before we get to shoot anything have to do alot more things in between before pulling the trigger. One of the most important one is the IA test (immediate attention).
This means that you will to perform a certain drill to overcome the error that has your rifle has had. For example, suddenly there is no rounds in the barrel or there is 2 rounds in the barrel. Those sort of things can cause barrel explosion which entitles you to half youe face being burned or gone in extreme cases. We had many trials because this is really important. Haha. And thank weiqi for the good memory. There was a particular step where we had to 'safe' the rifle 'tilt' the rifle and 'check' the rifle. We shout out 'safe tilt check' and do the corresponding motion but weiqi shouted even louder but did nothing. Haha. The sgt macham stun tio. Say the command out still dunno, haha, not as if memorising the thing.
Of course we have to learn to strip the rifle and assemble it back again. This part was fun for someone like me. The majority of my section had once belonged to NCC and learn this part often. I had the luxury of learning it on the spot and do faster then some of them. Of course the cleaning and the maintaining of the rifle is next. The cleaning part is the worst ever task u will have to do. Even though you clean the whole thing like shinning already but then there will be spot somewhere in the rifle that is still dirty and that's when u have to talk to the floor again(means pumping). Next time you wanna shoot a round, think again.
Before taking our skills out on the field, we have to practice it eletronically in the IMT. There we learn the various target we have to shoot be it day or night targets. The best part is the weapon is auto-zero which means it will be perfect for YOU to shoot. For me, that part was super easy. Haha not ego or what but then i hardly miss anything. For some reason i always hit the ahem-hem of the target. Haha. The waiting time was super long. You can wait for 2 hours and it's still not your turn. But the aircon makes up for it.
Lastly, to the field!! Our rifles were being sent to inspection before that for our safety. That place was pretty remote. And we conducted the shooting there. We shoot for around 5 minutes before waiting for 1 hour and to shoot again for 5 minutes that kind of stuff. But that was the most enjoyable time. We talk alot on our backgrounds and school mates in GREAT detail before talking about the children shows we watched and sing to it's tune. Haha. It was really funny. Imagine a few of us singing some old ultraman song in front of everyone. Thank weiqi and abel for that part. The night shoot was the most interesting one. Before shooting night targets, i look up for some stupid reasons and that was when i saw the stars. Damn it. It's really starS. Not 10 to 11 you get to see in Singapore where there are lights. It is really alot damn lot. The north star and orion belt could be easily spotted there. Somemore with the cold wind blowing in your face. The feeling was damn shiock. At least for me. I had seen another beautiful side of nature once again. However, that time was already 1+ into the morning already. So damn tired too.
We had advance techniques to learn also which i don't wanna eleborate. It will be too long. It's just basically formation to counter attacks and stuff.
Posted by saberX @ 10:27 AM
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