Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Daily Life

Many people in this time and age found life to be a bore. This is true when it comes to Junior Collage students. I was analysing my entire life when i found out that the hours i spend in JC had exceeded both secondary 1 and 2. Upon further analysis, i noticed that the most boring lessons all came from the Junior Collage.

This is basically the format of how JC people live.

6 - 7.30 = Wake up and run to school if not will get caught by Ganash
(waiting for 10 minutes for boon wee and others to reach is not included)

7.30 - 8 = Sing the National song and get scolded by form teacher to tuck in shirt, not wearing badge and listening to a speech that this year is your A levels, blah blah blah.

8 to around 3 = Tolerating boring lessons and getting scolded for various kinds of reasons like being 10 minutes late for lessons, not doing tutorial, dreaming in lessons, not able to answer 'simple' questions posted by teachers, talking in lessons, eating in lessons, wanting to go to the toliet, not wearing the school badge, not tucking in shirt, skirt not long enough(for girls).. Blah Blah Blah

3 and beyond = CCA's that take up ALOT of time which and drag all the way into the night. If not, go home and sleep.

Around 8 = Wake up from sleep/return from school and eat dinner.

Probabaly 9++ = Start doing unfinished tutorials and looking through economics notes as there is Amina lesson the next day.

Around 11 = Sleep liao/ DOTA ALL THE WAY /Revision(for better students)

This cycle is repeated at such way that no 2 days are not the same. This lends to a phenomium called the 'no life'. People having this pheonomium will not go out under normal circumstances. In extreme cases, they will attend depression due to extreme stress of not meeting their expectations in the examinations.

Lucky for me, i still have taken things quite lightly. How about you?
If you are stress because of something that happen in your daily life you can always share it with me. The only thing i am afraid of is making things worse for you.. Haha..

PS - Congratulation to Goh Ying Sheng who has gotten perfect 100% record in going to school punctually. Although, i go to school at the same time as he does, i didn't get the award. Hm.. i wonder why.. Does this got to do with the CCS where you had alot of bad influence? Hm.. Work Hard now little man.. Haha..

Posted by saberX @ 5:21 PM


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