Sunday, September 23, 2007
Something to share(btw this is NOT written by me)
There must be some truth in the notion that thin, beautiful people are more highly regarded in today's society because both women and men alike are scrambling to the nearest gym and slimming centre to create beautiful, lean bodies for themselves.
It must be hard to be happy when you're constantly comparing yourself to the impossibly thin models you see on TV and in glossy magazines and you realise that you don't look good enough, or aren't thin enough, or aren't tall enough.
It must also be hard to be happy when you discover that your peers are geting better grades than you, or driving nicer cars, or travelling further and more exotic places.
It's just hard to be genuinely happy in a world where having enough is just not enough.
You have to have more. You have to have the best. You have to have more of the best of everything.
In life, there will always be little injustices that we will have to deal with. There will always be someone out there more intelligent than us, more beautiful than us, or wealthier than us.
It's a fact of life, and unless we can accept that we will never be able to have-it-all, we will never be genuinely happy.
Happiness isn't about having everything. It's about wanting nothing.
I want to learn to be happy just being myself, and never having to wish for things that I can't change.
I may not be thin or classically beautiful, but that shouldn't mean I have to obsess about my weight, or how I look, or whether I own the best clothes or have the best fashion sense.
If simple and accessory-less is what I am and how I dress, then that's me. I don't want to have to constantly struggle to accpet the looks I cannot change, or to worry senselessly about whether I'm "thin" enough to be considered beautiful by society.
If Tracy Turnbald in the movie Hairspray could put her self-doubt aside and passionately dance up a storm even though others labeled her unattractive and fat, then why can't I do the same?
Why can't i just live my life with a passion, not caring about what others think of me and my strange ambition of wanting to be a cookie-baking kindergarden school principal?
Life is full of little injustices that we have to learn to accept.
Still, someday, I'd like to live in a world void of little injustices and void of my wants - ... and where people are genuinely happy being themselves.
Yes, someday I'd like to live in a world like that.
Just to see what it's like.
what i think about this is that it's inevitable for one to feel less secure about their looks and how people judge them. all those 'i don't really care what people think about me', o really? hahah.
why it's inevitable? well, look at d world around us! d first impression is by appearance, d first thing people see is how u look. people stereotype even before talking to u! face it. having d better looking people whom we probably think are flawless on d many media available..
who wouldn't be bothered by our own looks?
and talking bout that just reminds me of how friends can hurt u. sometimes, a friend can just tell u that u have flabby arms? ur tummy is showing? or u've put on weight? or whatever that brings out d msg that 'YOU ARE FAT.'
we can't always say d consequence of these messages are negative or even say d friend is mean!
why so?
friends tell d truth. BUT, on d receiving end, it sucks totally doesn't it? it can either get u even more obsessed about ur weight, or it can get u motivated enough to start exercising!
of course it's depressing to have people telling u "u've gained weight!"
hahah, on d contrary, who wouldn't LOVE to hear "hey! u've lost weight!"
for this issue, i guess it's all about effective communication. how u bring out d msg and how d msg is being received.
Posted by saberX @ 5:16 PM
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