Friday, February 17, 2006
Haha.. juz want to talk about how things are happened today course there are many funny bits going around today.
Early in the morning have to start the day by singing the national song with Yang Lao-Si liao. The look on his face is a mix from strict and sleepy, like can scold half way then tired until don't want to scold liao. Morning like that liao later sure 'what a day' one lor. But if u minus away all the tutorial, today like exciting like that. That time after econs we all walking down the stairs what, then for some reason i think nah-ge 'whooooooo-whoo' or something then i continue la.. Like 2 seconds later the sound like full blown alarm or something lor. Damn cock. Mrs Lim came out of class and practically shouted 'what are u all doing?' Without being reminded, we juz quickly siam and say nothing nothing la. Dunno other people got saw or not but while we passing the 3rd level that time got like 2 teachers rush out thought what emergency drill or something. 1 of them was bit panicky like that lor.. Damn cock one.
Wao.. after that bit of fun we bit bored in GP. Since at com-lab what, we juz edited winston pic and joan pic. Haha, i don't want to put here la.. later i kinda pinched or hit for every day of my life liao. If by chance you all see the pic then try not to laugh too much la. I think the edit is made my teh han lor. Later year i created a cool edited pic for him, i think he also caught in the editing fury lor only he make one is more funny.
Later CT period la, nothing special la only try to make mrs lim head ache worse by creating the 'whooo-whhoo' noise when i said some other class when to swenson there and eat la.. Their cher blan ja them lor.. But later i realised that they went saki sushi la. But not difference la, their cher really good lor blan ja them 15 dollars for the buffet. Then ours leh? still planning lor, they say go to Kar Wei there and BBQ lor but alot of restrictions one, like no place to play mahjong, cannot make too much noise, may not be able to book court and so on la.. Haiz.. We are pathetic
Basically that's all la.. but bit sian le today esp after the CT period la.. I go sofa noah liao la..
Posted by saberX @ 10:03 PM
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