Monday, September 29, 2008

Is having free time a privilege?

Have anyone of you been a position whereby your mind just started to wander off somewhere? With a phone that refuses to ring, your eyes then slowly start to look at clock counting the seconds that crawl by. After a while you glance at the light over at the window and slowly stare blankly at the bright blue sky.

At that moment of time, have anyone of you thought to yourself..

"What the hell am i doing.."

This feeling of emptyness is somewhat an interesting feeling for a society that claims to have no time for oneself or for another. Somehow, at that moment of time, you have no idea what to do, what to contribute nor what can be done. I don't even know what to write from here on. Could it be the weather? Could it be the timing? Could it be that there is really nothing to do?

I wonder.

But one thing for sure, it certainly sucks to have this feeling of doing nothing and unable to contribute to this society that needs every bit of help that it can get. I guess this can be called 'misallocation of resources' in under the limitation of the martket in economics. It is whereby people don't know what jobs are available out there while on the other hand another set of people don't know what kind of people are there to fill in the jobs they have.

Certainly, this world still has a long way to go.

まだまだ。。このせかいはいま not ready です。

Posted by saberX @ 2:08 PM


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