Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Crazy Day

Today began in an orderly fashion. As usual, i had to wait for 10 minutes before boon wee and company came but once school starts, it is like war.

First lesson was PE lor. K la, PE nothing special what, at most run 2.4km or just do the circuit thing. The problem is that we will be having ANOTHER PE, yes ANOTHER PE 2 hours later. So after that was damn tired la. First time in my life my chest was hurting as before that was normally covered with a wonderful later of fat.

Then GP later la, coz we got picked out as one of the 2 not really performed classes what, then Hengy was really angry lor but he tried to maintain his anger successfully without blowing out on anyone la. His limit was almost broken by ex-convict T-han lor. Anyhow show J&W picture. Jiao Shi Lor.

Then striaght after was maths la. This lesson was quite rare for me as he didn't sleep any single minute in that LT4 lor. Reason? BLoody cold la.. If not careful sleep also dunno can wake up or not, so better to juz ren(^3) and endure.

Then another 1-half hour of phy la.. Blah Blah Blah another leature that we are not really performing lor. Haiz but waste 20 minutes. Better then nothing la. He also quite pissed stalking our movements in the canteen to prove why we are always late.

After all these sian liao lor. Today only few lessons so crazy liao. Tommorrow how? 4 hours in a go lor. No Guo Tiao to eat also by then. Nothing to look forward to. Haiz.

PS - Never mind Never mind, be positive, 216 we can do it one la. Heck whatever nonsense we get. We are a fun class and i really wish we have it this way lor. GoGOGo!! Jun-ge, at this rate ur A's really steady one la.. Go GO GO!!!

Posted by saberX @ 9:55 PM


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